Backup of VMs with space in the name seems to fail

I’m using Vertical Backup 1.1.1 towards a B2 storage. I run into problems backing up VMs with space in the name. Curiously, it seems that backing up VMs without spaces containing files with spaces in their names doesn’t fail.

This backup, for example, is successful:

Creating a new virtual machine snapshot for NAS
Uploaded file /vmfs/volumes/raid1tb1/NAS/CentOS 7 Template.vmdk
Uploading file CentOS 7 Template-flat.vmdk
Uploaded file CentOS 7 Template-flat.vmdk 98.91MB/s 00:44:10
Uploaded file CentOS 7 Template.vmx
Uploaded file CentOS 7 Template.vmxf
Backup NAS@stronger at revision 3 has been successfully completed

Both of these, however, fail:

Creating a new virtual machine snapshot for Quiz Maestro
Uploaded file /vmfs/volumes/raid1tb1/Quiz Maestro/Quiz Maestro.vmdk
Uploading file Quiz Maestro-flat.vmdk
Uploaded file Quiz Maestro-flat.vmdk 138.05MB/s 00:31:38
Uploaded file Quiz Maestro.vmx
Maximum number of retries reached
Removing all snapshots of Quiz Maestro
Command exited with non-zero status 2

Creating a new virtual machine snapshot for JBoss Test
Uploaded file /vmfs/volumes/raid1tb1/JBoss Test/JBoss Test.vmdk
Uploading file JBoss Test-flat.vmdk
Uploaded file JBoss Test-flat.vmdk 5.20MB/s 14:00:54
Uploaded file JBoss Test.vmx
Maximum number of retries reached
Removing all snapshots of JBoss Test
Command exited with non-zero status 2

This first one I have attempted a good half dozen times over two days with the same result, so it doesn’t seem like an intermittent issue. Perhaps something in the storage of or creation of snapshot directories doesn’t like spaces?

The ‘Maximum number of retries reached’ error was reported by the b2 storage backend, which should not have any connection to the name of the virtual machine being backed up.

Can you run vertical -vv -log backup "Quiz Maestro" to see if there are more information?

I made a log of a failing backup (with a space in the name):

I also made one around the same time and with the same parameters without spaces:

The same pattern goes on for all my VMs (space fails, no space uploads successfully)

I was wrong. The name of the virtual machine is used in the path of the backup index file (for instance, the first backup of the virtual machine ‘vm test’ will be have an index file saved as ‘snapshots/vm test/1’). The B2 storage doesn’t like the spaces…

I’m working on a fix that should be available later today.

The new 1.1.2 build (sha256 is 7eef0446e503cd011d50d12d49378db692b1b3dc13ba5da83c5a31602a8654e3) should fix this bug.

Yup, now it works. Thanks for very quick action!

This seems to be a problem with backing up to local storage and is happening on 1.2.2. We tried several variations to get the name with spaces to work but it fails. Any tips?

[root@esxi2:/vmfs/volumes/588be13f-2fe66c56-0bde-3863bb417370/verticalbackup] ./vertical backup ‘BKI Web 2’ --no-chunk-listing
Vertical Backup 1.2.2
Trial license expires on 2019-03-13
Storage set to /vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup
Listing all virtual machines
Backing up BKI Web 2, id: 4, vmx path: /vmfs/volumes/SAS_SAN-Datastore-3/BKI Web 2/BKI Web 2.vmx, guest os: centos64Guest
Failed to create the directory ‘/vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup/snapshots/BKI Web 2@esxi2’:
[root@esxi2:/vmfs/volumes/588be13f-2fe66c56-0bde-3863bb417370/verticalbackup] ./vertical backup “BKI Web 2” --no-chunk-listing
Vertical Backup 1.2.2
Trial license expires on 2019-03-13
Storage set to /vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup
Listing all virtual machines
Backing up BKI Web 2, id: 4, vmx path: /vmfs/volumes/SAS_SAN-Datastore-3/BKI Web 2/BKI Web 2.vmx, guest os: centos64Guest
Failed to create the directory ‘/vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup/snapshots/BKI Web 2@esxi2’:
[root@esxi2:/vmfs/volumes/588be13f-2fe66c56-0bde-3863bb417370/verticalbackup] ./vertical backup BKI\ Web\ 2 --no-chunk-listing
Vertical Backup 1.2.2
Trial license expires on 2019-03-13
Storage set to /vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup
Listing all virtual machines
Backing up BKI Web 2, id: 4, vmx path: /vmfs/volumes/SAS_SAN-Datastore-3/BKI Web 2/BKI Web 2.vmx, guest os: centos64Guest
Failed to create the directory ‘/vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup/snapshots/BKI Web 2@esxi2’:

Actually, this might be a different issue. It’s failing now even on VMs with no space in the name:

[root@esxi2:/vmfs/volumes/588be13f-2fe66c56-0bde-3863bb417370/verticalbackup] ./vertical backup gitlab --no-chunk-listing
Vertical Backup 1.2.2
Trial license expires on 2019-03-13
Storage set to /vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup
Listing all virtual machines
Backing up gitlab, id: 11, vmx path: /vmfs/volumes/SAS_SAN-Datastore-2/gitlab/gitlab.vmx, guest os: centos64Guest
Failed to create the directory ‘/vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup/snapshots/gitlab@esxi2’:

I found ESXi may act weird when used as an SFTP server. A linux server should work better.

I’m not doing sFTP. I’m using a backup datastore that is already connected to the same host that the primary datastore is connected to. My init command looks like this:

vertical init esxi55 /vmfs/volumes/SATA_SAN-DataStore/verticalbackup

So it is just datastore to datastore copy. Have you tested in a configuration like that?

Don’t forget that you need to escape the offending space with a \ .

My Backup Folder -> My\ Backup\ Folder

It should work now.
This applies to any special characters even \ which you do this \.

Hope this helped.
