ERROR B2_CALL Failed to send request post

I am getting the following messages at the end of the backup job

WARNING B2_CALL Failed to send request post{...}: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2020-11-25 13:06:25.263130 WARNING B2_CALL Failed to send request post [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2020-11-25 13:06:26.023949 WARNING B2_CALL Failed to send request post [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2020-11-25 13:06:27.663592 WARNING B2_CALL Failed to send request post [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2020-11-25 13:06:29.796666 WARNING B2_CALL Failed to send request post [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2020-11-25 13:06:36.870262 WARNING B2_CALL Failed to send request post [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2020-11-25 13:06:47.041366 ERROR B2_CALL Failed to send request post [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2020-11-25 13:06:47.069077 INFO SNAPSHOT_REMOVE Removing all snapshots of server_001

VerticalBackup is connected to a paid B2 storage account. I ran this with the --email option, but didnt get any email notification. I ran 2 backup jobs with the same result: no confirmation if the backup failed or succeeded. there were files stored on the bucket, just not sure if those have the integrity to be useable.

This error usually happens when the root certificate file under /tmp/_MEIxxxx needed for making https connections was deleted. Is /tmp full? It is a ram disk with limited size.

Ramdisk Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
root 32M 3M 28M 11% –
etc 28M 252K 27M 0% –
opt 32M 0B 32M 0% –
var 48M 536K 47M 1% –
tmp 256M 33M 222M 12% –

very low usage on both atm. when a backup is ran, tmp would only get to 20% usage, same usage on ramdisk. i just ran a backup and saw the root cert you mentioned on /tmp

Can you try using a different directory as the temporary directory:

env TMPDIR=/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/verticalbackup ./vertical backup vmname

@gchen failed the first time i tried this but succeeded on my next try.

how to backup multiple vms? i did try ./vertical backup vm1 vm2 vm3, didnt work. i have a couple of vms i dont want to backup.