Prune and Pre-Script doesn't work?

Hi there,

i use a pre-backup script to prune my old backups.
So the script is under /opt/verticalbackup/.verticalbackup/scripts/
I have give the script the correct rights with “chmod +x”.

So the script will not run at the start of my cron backup.

Here are the logs:

So i run the Script manually and i get over hours this:

Vertical Backup 1.1.2
Storage set to s
No previous fossil collections found

The pre-backup script:
/opt/verticalbackup/vertical prune -k 0:3 --exhaustive --exclusive

the cron backup command:
/opt/verticalbackup/vertical backup --email

All this run directly under ESXi 6.5 (Free).


Ah, after two Hours the Script startet manually. So my old Backups will be deleted.

Only the Problem that the script doest’nt start automatically.

The script should be named pre-backup, without the ‘.sh’ extension.

I changed your Display Name (which I admit is a very confusing term). Let me know if you want a different one.

It works great!
Best backup software for the free ESXi :slight_smile:
Next month you get some money :wink: